Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent?

Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent blog from Wags4Whiskers

Should I get home a Dog or a Cat?

This is the most commonly discussed topic among Pet lovers who admire them and wish to have one for themselves.  Welcoming a Pet into your life and family is always a good feeling, yet it always comes with being responsible for their safety and needs primarily. The one thing that every pet lover should remember is that every pet is just like a child and only when you are ready to treat them with love respect and patience, then only it's advised to get home a Pet.

Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent?

According to the reports, in India, nearly 32 million people have been proud Pet parents. Unfortunately, many Pets, before and during the pandemic, were abandoned on the roads all across the globe. This is a sad reality, yet it has happened around us. So, today, question yourself and answer them are you ready to get home a Pet.

You love and respect animals:

Unfortunately, many people in our society cannot differentiate between liking and loving a Pet be it a Dog or Cat. If you are bringing a pet into your life, ask yourself if respect and love are your top priorities. When you feel you lack any of these naturally, then it is the not best time to get home a Pet.

Also, And if you have a family, it is best to have an open conversation about bringing a Pet. If your family is not totally into the idea and are not ready to welcome one, then it's advised to drop the idea. If you get a Pet without your family concerns, there is high chance that they will develop more hatred towards your Pet and might be complaining about them all the time.

Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent?


Do your research on all aspects of your Pet. If you feel ready and it is the right time, then welcome a darling into your family. Go with your hunch,  it always guides you in the best direction. So ask yourself and see. You will definitely get the answer.

When you are curious to know more about animals:

Even if you don’t have a Pet, if you adore every animal you meet or if your social media feed is full of pet reels, then it certainly means that you care and adore animals as a person. You will naturally display affection and casually visit the dog parks to see and play with Dogs.

 You don’t mind researching the needs and safety an animal should have. And you often find yourself doing these:

  • Fighting for the rights of an animal
  • Debating on things like what is good for them and what needs to be done for their betterment in a long run. Then you are meant to be a pet parent, and naturally, you are ready for it.

You’ve got the time:

Having a Pet means being there for them, taking time out of your schedule everyday to look after them. It's not like you get home a Pet and leave it to your parents to look after them. You need to voluntarily take care of your Pet and this also reflects your sense of responsibility to the outer world. Pets require you to be physically and emotionally available for them. Unfortunately, many  Pets suffer from separation anxiety when their owners are gone for a long time. So even if you are busy, tell yourself that you will have someone take care of your Pet in your absence until you reach home.

Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent?

If you think you are juggling with life, taking the most important decisions for yourself or not know what to do, then we recommend to stay away from the idea of getting home a Pet even if you love and adore them.  Get a Dog or a Cat home only if you are able to balance every aspect of your life with a pet.

Are you a morning person:

The first need for a Dog is to go for a morning walk and poop. So, if you are a night person, it might be difficult for you to take your Dog to morning walks.  Not every dog is verbal and many of them wait and do not convey directly. If you are not a complete morning person or not in a intension to change your routine for the sake of your Dog, you should avoid taking a Pet because it might be difficult for both of you.

Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent?


You are ready to cook real food for your Pet rather than giving processed food every day:

As the caption says, giving them a well-balanced nutritious diet is important on a daily basis especially a diet that is a mix of veg and non-veg. But if you plan to feed processed from the market, then a Pet might not be a good option for now. We are sure you do not want to give your Cat or Dog unhealthy food over a long period of time and spoil their overall health.

Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent?

As said, every Pet needs a balanced diet that includes fruits, veggies, and meat. Sometimes, it is cooked or boiled. So, it is always better to talk to a vet to understand the diet chart and nutrition requirements for your Pet.

You are ready to deal with poop and mud:

Dog parenting means dealing with all kinds of icky fluids—like drool, vomit, and urine. If you are ready to deal with all of these, then prepare yourself for this fun part of Pet parenting by stocking up on poop bags, wipes, and carpet cleaners.

Are You Ready To Be A Pet Parent?

You are ready to spend money:

Owning a Pet means you will need to spend money on their well-being and medical needs. Having a Pet like  Dog or Cat does not cost your more, but definitely you need spend some for their wellbeing like their Pet food to toys to their vet bills and any other unexpected costs or medications. 

If you can bear their expenses and take care of your Pet, then you can happily bring in a Pet. But remember, a Pet is a commitment for a long time, and it shouldn’t be like you initially take care of them and then take them for granted in course of time.

You talked with your family:

Bringing a Pet might be in your best interest. But it is important to know what your family thinks too. Discuss with your family and plan out the roles that each of you will play. If your family is not ready, you should avoid welcoming a Pet for now.

Welcoming them can be the biggest blessing you could ever do. But it is not that simple. A Dog or Cat would require you to be available until their last breath. They learn and grow with you as you also progress in your life. They would always need you and you would need them too. That’s the magic. But when you feel any of these points are not going well with your thoughts, then hold on for a minute and talk to yourself to understand if you are ready to be a Pet parent. As said, you will be a parent, and parenting is not a joke.

And, for those who have decided to bring home a new family member, a hearty congratulations. We are sure you will experience one of the greatest blessings and joys in your life. We had our dog, Lucky, for 14 years. Being with Lucky changed us into better people and made us love animals more than ever. I hope you all experience this magic too!

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